This project is a constantly evolving knowledgebase. We're adding new content to this every week.
We should never lose control of email
Sending & receiving legitimate email messages has become more complex over the years, but it doesn't mean we need to hand our most sensitive data to large corporations.
Any email can be sent and received correctly with the right education.
Why even invest the time?
There are so many threads online that say "don't do it" when it comes to self-hosting email. Although that person may be partially correct that it isn't the easiest thing to do in technology, it does not mean that we should give up on self-hosting our most sensitive service.
The Internet is changing. We flocked to the large corporations to host our email because the price starting at $5 USD per month was a no-brainer. But now we see how that data is being used. It's coming at a larger cost now our "digital exhaust" of what we do on the Internet is the primary focus for marketing companies.
There's no such thing as a "free lunch". This applies to services that are priced at "too good to be true" as well.
It's time for us to work together, help eachother out, and make sure we keep email an open standard as it was originally created to be.
Any process in technology can be simplified with quality education. This is the entire purpose of this open and freely accessible guide.
Questions, Comments, Ideas?
This is a very young project and we'll start organizing things as we go. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, feel free to open a thread on Github.
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